10 years ago

My friend, Heather, married Sean. I was a bridesmaid. It was a beautiful wedding in the San Diego mission. The reception was on the Bahia Belle which cruised back and forth along Mission Bay. My friend, Emmet, was my “date” for the wedding, but I only saw him outside in the parking lot before the ceremony. He left at some point and I was on my own but that was fine. Heather has three sisters, who were also bridesmaids, along with another friend, Molly. Heather & her sisters have been like family to me. I’ve known Heather (and Sean for that matter) since we were freshman at UCSD. I’m so glad we’ve managed to remain close over these years. She’s always been a steadfast friend to me and I hope she feels the same of me. It always worked out so well, because we are enough in each other’s lives to know the cast of players, but not embedded enough to know the real inner workings. She’s like my Switzerland. I can approach her with situations and get some validation or insight from her as an “outsider” to the situation. She is remarkable and I’ve always thought so. She’s raising two adorable boys and is teaching the high school kids of Vista the beauty of literature, the passion of writing and the respect for language.

Happy anniversary, Heather & Sean. Here’s to another ten, twenty, thirty, forty years and more.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Sandy says:

    I can’t believe Heather & Sean have been married 10 years already!

    I love your words, sis :o)

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