the week so far

Welcome to the end of the week. I probably could have crawled into my bed tonight at 6 pm and gone to sleep. We’d had KFC for a late lunch, and I was full and drowsy. But I rallied a bit. I went to pick up some stickers that someone had offered on my local…

Songwriter book club

The main thing I had going on today was attending my songwriter book club. I don’t write songs, though, I write poems. We read a book then write something either about or inspired by the book. The book we read was called The Control of Nature. It was written in the late 80s, but I’m…

Detransition, Baby – book review

This was a difficult book for me. When I finished it, my first thought was, “I didn’t like it.” But then I took some time to try to figure out why I had that reaction. My initial answer was that there was no character or situation I could relate to so I could never really get into…


This term is one I just invented for the phenomenon when you are reading two different books that you didn’t know anything about, just selected them each randomly, but then the books have many similar characteristics. Case in point, I just finished two different books, but here are their similarities:1. Mostly set in New Hampshire…

How We Fight for Our Lives by Saeed Jones – a review

I first became aware of poet Saeed Jones a few years ago. April is National Poetry Month, and at work, I would send out poems to co-workers who had signed up for my daily poetry email to celebrate the month. I don’t know if it was 2015 or 2016 when I sent out his poem,…

Book-reading Saturday

I got a notice that a couple books I had asked for were now available at the library. I had a pretty good amount left to read in my current book, and I didn’t want to check out any new books until I was done with it. In the morning, I went to the little…

NPM – 16 of 30

prompt: pick up a book, turn to page 29, select ten words you like, then write a poem using those ten words (slightly changed it up by closing my eyes and randomly selecting words) The Road Home misshapen hackberry tree gives shade in bitter sunlight ponderosa pines line road like rebellious teens facts mixed with…

the rest of the week

After the disappointment of Wednesday night, the rest of the weekend has been pretty good. On Thursday, out of nowhere, I decided to see a movie. Instead of a variety of Oscar-nominated films I could have chosen, I selected “Winchester” starring Helen Mirren. It’s about Sarah Winchester, heiress to the Winchester rifle company fortune and…

Best Book(s) of 2017

Again, thankful for my weird penchant for listing things. This time, instead of a handwritten journal, it’s a technological help, a little website called Goodreads. Today’s reflection was Best Book of 2017, so I looked up the list of books I’ve read this year (already beat my goal of reading 36 this year), and I…