Who knows numerology? It seems like 44 should be a good number, right? I’m 44 today. I slept nearly 10 hours last night. That was delightful. Around 11 am, I left the house to go for a walk exploring the footbridges of San Diego. I found this route and thought it might be fun. But…

where have I been?

At last writing (June 5), we had a couple days before received a 60-day notice for us to leave the house. 😦 It was not good news. We were in no way ready to move. But we had to get ready. The landlord gave the reason that he wanted to renovate the property. That, at…

San Diego Adventure Day #5 – Old Mission Dam

Hello from the ether ~ I am either all or nothing round here, eh? My adventure day actually took place on Friday. It’s been overcast the last week or so. My mom had picked two adventures out of the glass jar, one for May and one for June since I won’t see her or Dad…

a full day

Before I tell you about yesterday’s SD adventure, I’ll tell you about today. I did a lot! It started with volunteering at the San Diego Food Bank. At work, we have volunteer days for the whole company. We have them twice a year. This first one of the year was the food bank. I spent…

SD Adventure Day #4

I took a day off to have my San Diego adventure day today. I want to write about it, but I’m tired and want to go to bed. I’ll tell it tomorrow. Until then, here’s this… today’s draft Windy Road while listening to “Life is a Carnival,” the road dips up and down

San Diego Adventure Day #3

After a very long 4-day work week, I took Friday off for my monthly San Diego Adventure Day. This time, the choice (again random – drawn out of a cup with all my choices) was Mt. Helix. I had heard about it for a while, but had never found my way there. That’s exactly what…

catching up – a top 10 list

Sorry for the time away. So much has happened, and my time has seemed so limited. Here are the top 10 highlights in no particular order. 1. San Diego Adventure Day #2 On February 27, I went to the San Diego Botanic Garden. I had been there once before, but it was for a show…

San Diego Adventure Day #1

Sometime last year I was thinking about some San Diego places I had never been so this year I decided to change that. Once a month I plan to take a day off work for a San Diego Adventure Day. Today was the first one. I decided the first one should be to the place…